Making money online is highly plausible. In fact, if you play your cards right, you might just find a flourishing career in internet marketing. However, the first thing you need to do is unlearn the misconceptions you’ve garnered about online marketing throughout the years.
Internet marketing means instant revenues
You’ll only be frustrated if you attempt to fish out gold from internet Houdini tricks. There is no one easy ticket to internet success, no matter what the online courses and ebooks promise you. Just like any other business, making money online requires talent, effort, and just the right amount of luck.
In fact, if there’s anything you need to avoid in online marketing, these are programs that promise you instantaneous profits that are too good to be true. You reap nothing by planting nothing. If the online marketing program requires a “membership fee” and promises to quadruple the amount within a month as long as you recruit more members, chances are, you’re dealing with a very obvious case of pyramid scam.
Never fall for online frauds that appeal to human greed. Educate yourself about safe and sure internet marketing opportunities.
Everything online is unstable and possibly a scam
Although it will do you good to be a bit skeptical about online offers, there are actually a lot of good opportunities on the internet for freelancers. Established companies are always on the lookout for good web content writers who are willing to work at home. Hiring independent contractors saves most companies overhead expenses.
All you really need to do as a freelancer is learn to decipher the clients that could be trusted from the clients that are potentially frauds. For your own protection, you should already prepare a contract draft in any event that a client decides to seal the deal with you. The contract protects both you and the client from any misunderstandings in the future.
Before agreeing to provide any product or service to any company or individual online, you should also verify his/her identity. If possible, you should ask for referrals. Ideally, homebased contractors are hired by their former employees, so they usually know that they’re working for a trusted entity. However, in any event that you as a freelancer would need to work for a stranger, a referral should be good enough.
Internet revenues are untaxed
This is not always the case. In the US, for example, all monetary exchanges that involves the buying or selling of any product or services, whether online or offline, is taxed by the IRS. The taxing terms even depends on what state your business is based in.
Although you don’t operate on physical, tangible state grounds, you’re still operating a business from your home. Depending on the laws of your state, you should be paying taxes as a self-employed individual depending on your proclaimed annual income.
When you attempt to make money online, you should make sure that you’ve taken care of your tax obligations as well. No matter how underground your operations may seem, the IRS is bound to catch a whiff of what you’re doing one way or the other. You can be fined or even imprisoned for attempting to dodge your tax obligations.